Upload Content

As a Site Admin, you can create, edit, and view the learning objects, which are nothing but the crux of a course, the content. These learning objects or content can be in the form of a document, video, image, elearning, or assessment. They can also be vLabs, audios, or HTML links.

To manage the content in the system, click the Manage Content icon on the left panel. Alternatively, you can also click the MANAGE button in the Content section of the Dashboard page. The Manage Content page has two tabs, namely, LEARNING OBJECTS and CATALOG ITEMS.

To upload a learning object:

  1. In the Manage Content page, click the LEARNING OBJECTS tab.
  2. Click the ADD LEARNING OBJECT button.
  3. In the New Learning Objects pop up that appears, choose the type of learning object that needs to be uploaded.
  4. The respective Learning Object popup page opens.
  5. Fill in all the details as applicable. The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.ย 
  6. Upload the respective document, audio, video, image, meeting link, or the SCORM package. Read the NOTE below for the supported file formats.
    • Only audio and video learning objects can be provided as downloadable for the users. Select the Downloadable field while creating the learning objects to enable downloading.


  7. Click SAVE.
The following are the permitted file formats for the various learning objects.
  • Documents: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .zip or links to the documents.
  • Images: .png, .jpeg
  • Videos: .mp4, .mov, .m4v files can be uploaded. You can also provide links to Youtube or Vimeo videos.
  • eLearning: SCORM package of versions 1.2 and 2004, 4th edition.
  • Assessment: SCORM package of versions 1.2 and 2004, 4th edition.
  • vLab: Virtual Lab Platforms (VLPs). All the vLabs that have been configured will be listed. Refer LTI Configurations settings page for more information.
  • Audio: Only .mp3 files can be uploaded.
  • Class: Meeting link sourced from any software can be given.
  • HTML: Compressed folders of the HTML package can be uploaded.ย 

Once the learning object is uploaded successfully, it will appear at the top of the list of learning objects.

To preview existing documents, images, and videos, go to the LEARNING OBJECTS tab and click the name of the document, image, or video. A popup box appears with the details and the preview of the file.ย 

To edit an existing learning object, click the Edit icon. A popup box appears in which you can edit the details and save them. A button showing the number of updates made to the learning object appears next to the name. Click the number to view the list of old versions of the learning object. You can also delete these old versions.

Once a
Learning Object is uploaded and mapped to a Catalog Item, it cannot be deleted from the system.