Reset Learning History

This option is used to remove the record of a learning object from a user account and reset their learning progress for that learning object.ย ย 

To open the Reset Learning History settings, hover over the Settings icon on the left panel. Then click the Reset Learning History icon. The Reset Learning History settings page opens.

To delete a record:

  1. Open the Reset Learning History settings page.
  2. From the dropdown menu on the left, select the type of learning object that needs to be removed.
  3. Click the Learning object text box and choose the specific learning object from the dropdown list.ย 
  4. Click SUBMIT. The usersโ€™ list who has been assigned the learning object will be displayed.ย 
  5. Click RESET for the users for whom the record needs to be removed.

This record can be used effectively when a user has exhausted the number of attempts for an eLearning or Assessment.