Edit Account Details

Change your account details and notification settings in just a few clicks!

To change your account details
  1. Click the Profile icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Choose My Account from the drop-down menu. The MY ACCOUNT page will open. Here, change your first name, last name, and password.
To change mail notifications settings
  1. Click the Profile icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Choose Settings from the drop-down menu. The SETTINGS page will open. Here, disable or enable Mail notifications for your account.

In the mobile app, access all your settings on MY ACCOUNT page.

  1. Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.ย 
  2. Click the MY ACCOUNT link to open the MY ACCOUNT page. You can edit the First name, Last name, Password, and Phone Notifications settings on this page. If any changes are made, Click SAVE.